Sunday, May 30, 2010

No. 55: Ink Exchange

Ink Exchange by Melissa Marr

I had to buy this book (shocker!) and tragically I didn't like it half as much as the first free one in the series. It was a little to weird and dark for my tastes. And while I like tattoos as much as the next person, it didn't really connect for me that the FMC was going to "reclaim" her body and her life by getting a tattoo - especially a creepy looking one. Why not save up for her own apartment, or a psychiatrist. Both things she needs a lot more than a tattoo in my opinion.

And I know this isn't a romance novel, but where was the resolution on the whole love interest thing? 

Anyway, I am obviously reading the whole series now. Spending freeze be damned. Although, to be honest I have not been reading much lately. Too busy tearing my house apart, trying to rebuild it and living with no oven or dishwasher. And painting. Oh the painting.

No. 54: Wicked Lovely

Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr

I actually got this book a few months ago in one of my get every free book on amazon kicks. It was recommended to me by a high school student in one of the classes I subbed for. It is the first in a series.

Turns out it was pretty good. Kind of like another series (that shall remain nameless) that I despised, but only good instead of terrible. Imagine that!

It is about fairies and that kind of nonsense, which I am not typically fond of, but this managed to be not too explicit or graphic or yucky. Perhaps because it is a young adult book. Who knows. I do know that I never read any books like this when I was a young adult. I don't think they had any :)

Friday, May 7, 2010

No. 53: Loving A Lost Lord

 Loving A Lost Lord by Mary Jo Putney

This is perhaps the best FREE book I have ever downloaded. I just got it because the spending freeze is back (boo) and I was getting desperate for something to read (aside from the literally hundreds and hundreds of actual books filling up my house) and it was a regency era romance novel. So I got it. And it was good! I read it straight through in one afternoon, completely ignoring my family and I didn't even make dinner.

It had oh so many good things that I enjoy - a very likable FMC, a slightly mysterious MMC, amnesia, a bad guy, fake deaths, real deaths (or are they fake), mystery, an explosion, secret spiritual/religious goings on, a threatening visit to the bad guys house, and an exciting group of close knit friends that would make up an excellent series if the author was so inclined. I will definitely have to see if she was. After the spending freeze of course.

I don't think I have ever read anything by this author before, but I am glad I got this book. I hope the rest of her books are as good as this one.

*Edited to add - it is a series! Called the Lost Lords! A brand new series with a brand new book released this very week! I am so excited, but I hate the stupid spending freeze. I will have to plead my case. Clearly books are as important as food and electricity. Right???