Wednesday, January 9, 2008

No. 6: The Hazards of Hunting a Duke

The Hazards of Hunting a Duke by Julia London

I have read this book before but I was desperate for something to read last night after Ella finally went to bed. Of course I didn't start it until 9:00 so I had to stay up to finish it and didn't get to bed until almost midnight. In retrospect, seems kind of silly to stay up all night (midnight is all night to me) to read a book I have already read. It is pretty good, there are two more in this series - The Desperate Debutantes - but I have not read them yet. I might have to make a trip to Barnes today.

1 comment:

Christian and Mary said...

I am excited to see all of the interesting books you read. I always liked your taste in books anyway. If I have any good ones, I will make sure to recommend them. Have you read the Twilight series? They are for teenage girls but they are a fun read. All of the old ladies at my work are reading them right now. Anyway, I will look forward to your reviews. It was so good to see you last month!