Saturday, February 5, 2011

No. 16: Finally Thin!

Finally Thin! by Kim Bensen

Yes the exclamation point is in the title. Anywa, I started Weight Watchers (and I am kicking butt btw) and my friend Jackie got this book for me. The author lost more than 200 lbs in 2 years doing WW. It is an amazing, touching and sometimes sad story. But I think really motivating, which I guess is the point. Anyway, I don't need to lose 200 lbs, or even 100 lbs, but I can still identify with the author's struggle with her weight. Hopefully I can continue to use this book to inspire me as I continue "my weight loss journey" Which, by the way, is a phrase that annoys me to no end! They say it at WW meetings and on The Biggest Loser and maybe even in the book. I think it is dumb, but I don't know why.

Anyway, the book also has quite a few recipes that look pretty good - I am going to try some out this weekend for the Super Bowl!

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