Well, I am caught up, but I am certainly not as far into the book as I had hoped. It is still difficult going at this point. Partially because I don't know much about drugs or tennis. But there are a couple story lines that are intriguing. I need more information about Hal - specifically, can he really talk and what is his diagnosis. I also am curious about Katherine, and whether she will get any help from this doctor. There is a repeating theme of marijuana addiction and the negative impacts it has on people, which is interesting because you don't really hear about that much. I am also interested in Hal's brothers - Mario and Orin, seems like a very weird family, which I guess is the point :) But I think the plot line I am the most curious about is the medical attache - what the heck is on that video?!?!?!
I don't like the endnotes, it is kind of annoying to flip back and forth. Although I am implementing the multiple bookmark strategy which is better. I also don't like the random paragraphs of nonsense. I read it, I knew the words, but it didn't make sense. But I will persevere.
Words I Didn't Know:
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
No. 62: Knockout/ Notes on Infinite Jest
Knockout by Catherine Coulter
Aaron bought this book for me when he got me the new Janet Evanovich. I have read some books by this author (notably, the crazy wizard book that Aaron also bought me) and liked them, especially the FBI books, like this one. This had a crazy paranormal edge that was really interesting. This was a pretty good length book - 416 pages. It had kind of two intersecting plot lines, a little girl and her mom on the run from a crazy guy named Blessed who could hypnotize people, and an FBI agent and his wife/partner who were on a manhunt for escaped bank robbers. Also the FBI agent and the little girl could communicate telepathically (I think that is the word) and so she "called" him to help her escape Blessed. Also there is a cult. So it was good. I read it all in one night even though I planned to just read a little bit.
I am starting to get a little anxiety about this whole Infinite Jest thing. I have read 49 pages in the 5 days the project has been going on. I keep hesitating to start reading again because it seems like such a big ordeal because it is such a long book (not that it has ever stopped me before) and it is kind of hard to read and so far not that awesome. But, since the day I read those 49 pages I have read THREE WHOLE OTHER BOOKS! Which I am sure all together are more pages than Infinite Jest. So I don't know what my deal is. I think I just need to sit down and read, and I guess since I have read all my new books this might be more likely. Technically I only need to read 26 more pages to keep to the schedule. That should be easily accomplished, if I can just get going!!!
Aaron bought this book for me when he got me the new Janet Evanovich. I have read some books by this author (notably, the crazy wizard book that Aaron also bought me) and liked them, especially the FBI books, like this one. This had a crazy paranormal edge that was really interesting. This was a pretty good length book - 416 pages. It had kind of two intersecting plot lines, a little girl and her mom on the run from a crazy guy named Blessed who could hypnotize people, and an FBI agent and his wife/partner who were on a manhunt for escaped bank robbers. Also the FBI agent and the little girl could communicate telepathically (I think that is the word) and so she "called" him to help her escape Blessed. Also there is a cult. So it was good. I read it all in one night even though I planned to just read a little bit.
I am starting to get a little anxiety about this whole Infinite Jest thing. I have read 49 pages in the 5 days the project has been going on. I keep hesitating to start reading again because it seems like such a big ordeal because it is such a long book (not that it has ever stopped me before) and it is kind of hard to read and so far not that awesome. But, since the day I read those 49 pages I have read THREE WHOLE OTHER BOOKS! Which I am sure all together are more pages than Infinite Jest. So I don't know what my deal is. I think I just need to sit down and read, and I guess since I have read all my new books this might be more likely. Technically I only need to read 26 more pages to keep to the schedule. That should be easily accomplished, if I can just get going!!!
No. 61: Finger Licken' Fifteen
Finger Licken' Fifteen by Janet Evanovich
This book came out and I must have had the date wrong in my head because I was thinking it wouldn't be out until after my birthday. But Aaron saw it at the store and bought it for me because he is awesome. And the book was also awesome. This one was so so funny. I mean laugh out loud funny. I read it all on Tuesday night, cracking up and interrupting Aaron's TV watching. But it was worth it because it was good. Some really excellent Lula, kind of minimal Morelli (which was kind of a bummer) but pretty heavy on the Ranger. I am glad I have re-read that whole series now. I will just have to wait until June 2010 for the next one to come out - seems like a long time to wait!!!
This book came out and I must have had the date wrong in my head because I was thinking it wouldn't be out until after my birthday. But Aaron saw it at the store and bought it for me because he is awesome. And the book was also awesome. This one was so so funny. I mean laugh out loud funny. I read it all on Tuesday night, cracking up and interrupting Aaron's TV watching. But it was worth it because it was good. Some really excellent Lula, kind of minimal Morelli (which was kind of a bummer) but pretty heavy on the Ranger. I am glad I have re-read that whole series now. I will just have to wait until June 2010 for the next one to come out - seems like a long time to wait!!!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
No. 60: State Secrets
State Secrets by Linda Lael Miller
This is in a series of first books by now popular authors. I didn't realize this when I bought it, I just saw Linda Lael Miller and secret service and bought it. I wish now, that I hadn't because it wasn't great. I think the same can be said about most author's early work. This book had many issues, but the biggest complaint I have is that I didn't believe the relationship. I couldn't believe that they fell in love.
I see that I have had several books lately that have been not good. Hopefully things will turn around for me. I got the new Janet Evonavich book (Finger Lickin' Fifteen) and a new Catherine Coulter FBI book that should be good - thanks Aaron!
This is in a series of first books by now popular authors. I didn't realize this when I bought it, I just saw Linda Lael Miller and secret service and bought it. I wish now, that I hadn't because it wasn't great. I think the same can be said about most author's early work. This book had many issues, but the biggest complaint I have is that I didn't believe the relationship. I couldn't believe that they fell in love.
I see that I have had several books lately that have been not good. Hopefully things will turn around for me. I got the new Janet Evonavich book (Finger Lickin' Fifteen) and a new Catherine Coulter FBI book that should be good - thanks Aaron!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Infinite Summer - Day 1 - Page 49
I decided to join in the Infinite Summer project and read the book Infinite Jest. A co-worker of mine invited me and another person in the office to participate. I can't turn down a reading challenge. And since I read so much I thought it would be no big deal and read the book pretty quick and move on.
Well, I was kind of wrong. It is difficult to read (although I hear it gets better after page 200. I am on page 49 after 1 day and I will admit to feeling the sinking sense of dread I was warned about but I will persevere. I will be keeping track of such things as the MANY words I do not know (some of which I cannot find definitions for!), funny jokes or lines and other weird things.
So, without further ado - words I don't know:
wen, kekulean knot, magisculed, alpenstock, mise-en-scene, ad valorem, anfractuous (I like this one!), phylacteryish
And a joke (from page 41):
What do you get when you cross an insomniac,, and unwilling agnostic and a dyslexic?
Someone who stays up all night torturing himself mentally over whether or not there is a dog.
So, this 49 pages took me almost an hour and a half - although that includes a LONG time trying to look up the words and write the definitions in my journal. So I can see that this is not going to be a quick read. I think I will have to plan to devote two nights of reading a week to this to get 75ish pages a week and then I can read my usual mindless wonderful romance novels the rest of the week.
Well, I was kind of wrong. It is difficult to read (although I hear it gets better after page 200. I am on page 49 after 1 day and I will admit to feeling the sinking sense of dread I was warned about but I will persevere. I will be keeping track of such things as the MANY words I do not know (some of which I cannot find definitions for!), funny jokes or lines and other weird things.
So, without further ado - words I don't know:
wen, kekulean knot, magisculed, alpenstock, mise-en-scene, ad valorem, anfractuous (I like this one!), phylacteryish
And a joke (from page 41):
What do you get when you cross an insomniac,, and unwilling agnostic and a dyslexic?
Someone who stays up all night torturing himself mentally over whether or not there is a dog.
So, this 49 pages took me almost an hour and a half - although that includes a LONG time trying to look up the words and write the definitions in my journal. So I can see that this is not going to be a quick read. I think I will have to plan to devote two nights of reading a week to this to get 75ish pages a week and then I can read my usual mindless wonderful romance novels the rest of the week.
Friday, June 19, 2009
No. 59: Angels and Demons
Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
I actually read this book a few weeks ago but forgot to post. Anyway, I read the illustrated edition which I highly recommend because whenever it talks about a painting or a sculpture or building it shows a picture of it. And since I have never been to Rome (tragically) it makes it much easier for me to follow the story rather than wondering about what a certain statute looks like or looking it up on the internet. I think this was the third time I have read this book - it was still good and it had been long enough that I could not remember what happened so I was surprised at the end still. I really like Dan Browns stories, but I do not particularly care for his writing style. The dialogue is painful in some parts which is something that really bugs me. But I have read all of his books and really enjoy the mystery and learning more about art and science - at least as much as you can learn from a fiction!
I actually read this book a few weeks ago but forgot to post. Anyway, I read the illustrated edition which I highly recommend because whenever it talks about a painting or a sculpture or building it shows a picture of it. And since I have never been to Rome (tragically) it makes it much easier for me to follow the story rather than wondering about what a certain statute looks like or looking it up on the internet. I think this was the third time I have read this book - it was still good and it had been long enough that I could not remember what happened so I was surprised at the end still. I really like Dan Browns stories, but I do not particularly care for his writing style. The dialogue is painful in some parts which is something that really bugs me. But I have read all of his books and really enjoy the mystery and learning more about art and science - at least as much as you can learn from a fiction!
No. 58: Dirty Sexy Knitting
Dirty Sexy Kintting by Christine Ridgway
Another recommendation from a bookstore stranger and another book I didn't really like. So maybe this will teach me a lesson that you can't count on random people to give good book advice.
Anyway, this book had many problems for me (1) the name of the book is stupid, (2) the MMC was COMPLETELY unlikable! I mean I really didn't like him and I didn't want the relationship to succeed at all. He is a suicidal, alcoholic, depressed jerk. Seriously - does that sound like a good boyfriend? No, it does not. And yes, I understand that he suffered a terrible tragedy, but it just wasn't working for me. (2) The FMC was kind of wacky and I wasn't invested enough in her history to care about her motivations. Also, anyone that can fall in love with the MMC in this book is not worthy of my regard. (3) This book had another STUPID nickname - this time for the FMC - Froot Loop. Is fruit loop trademarked or something? You can't spell fruit the right way now? It was so aggrivating, not just the spelling but it is a terrible nickname with no justification provided in the story. And she hated the nickname. I do not find an alcoholic loser who persists in calling me a stupid nickname attractive. (4) the epiloge. I normally love to know what happens after the story. But this one was dumb and pointless - it ruined the only good semi-mystery left in the story and talked very very briefly about a number of characters with no names for no apparant reason which is always annoying. Like talking about an unnamed girl dressed as a ballerina - for no reason. Stupid. (5) the mystery - who the bad guy was - and the stupid "accidents" that were intended to create drama were all dumb. I didn't care enough about the bad guy to have any feelings. I half hoped he would shoot his hostages and that is never good. (6) The "Dad" was a jerk and that seems kind of pointless too, especially after all the emotional energy the characters put into the situation. (7) Marlys. Her name is bad, I don't know how to say it so whenever I read it I got out of the flow of reading to think about how annoying her name is. Also, she was a jerk! Again, I recognize her past was difficult, but I don't think it excuses her behavior and I don't think she deserved a happy ending. So there. (8) I did not like the sex scenes at all - really really bad and some kind of icky. And not in a good way :)
Clearly I feel very strongly about this book. It is too bad really, I thought it could be cute because of the whole knitting thing. But no.
Another recommendation from a bookstore stranger and another book I didn't really like. So maybe this will teach me a lesson that you can't count on random people to give good book advice.
Anyway, this book had many problems for me (1) the name of the book is stupid, (2) the MMC was COMPLETELY unlikable! I mean I really didn't like him and I didn't want the relationship to succeed at all. He is a suicidal, alcoholic, depressed jerk. Seriously - does that sound like a good boyfriend? No, it does not. And yes, I understand that he suffered a terrible tragedy, but it just wasn't working for me. (2) The FMC was kind of wacky and I wasn't invested enough in her history to care about her motivations. Also, anyone that can fall in love with the MMC in this book is not worthy of my regard. (3) This book had another STUPID nickname - this time for the FMC - Froot Loop. Is fruit loop trademarked or something? You can't spell fruit the right way now? It was so aggrivating, not just the spelling but it is a terrible nickname with no justification provided in the story. And she hated the nickname. I do not find an alcoholic loser who persists in calling me a stupid nickname attractive. (4) the epiloge. I normally love to know what happens after the story. But this one was dumb and pointless - it ruined the only good semi-mystery left in the story and talked very very briefly about a number of characters with no names for no apparant reason which is always annoying. Like talking about an unnamed girl dressed as a ballerina - for no reason. Stupid. (5) the mystery - who the bad guy was - and the stupid "accidents" that were intended to create drama were all dumb. I didn't care enough about the bad guy to have any feelings. I half hoped he would shoot his hostages and that is never good. (6) The "Dad" was a jerk and that seems kind of pointless too, especially after all the emotional energy the characters put into the situation. (7) Marlys. Her name is bad, I don't know how to say it so whenever I read it I got out of the flow of reading to think about how annoying her name is. Also, she was a jerk! Again, I recognize her past was difficult, but I don't think it excuses her behavior and I don't think she deserved a happy ending. So there. (8) I did not like the sex scenes at all - really really bad and some kind of icky. And not in a good way :)
Clearly I feel very strongly about this book. It is too bad really, I thought it could be cute because of the whole knitting thing. But no.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
No. 57: Mutants: On Genetic Variety and the Human Body
Mutants: On Genetic Variety and the Human Body by Armand Marie Leroi
This is a book that is unlike any other book I have read. It was totally science-y and since I haven't taken biology since high school, some of it was a bit over my head. But some judicious google time and I got it all figured out. It was really interesting though. For example, did you know red hair is the result of a mutation. So technically my sweet baby is a mutant! Although, according to the book we all are, it is just a matter of degree. I am pretty glad I didn't read this book when I was pregnant though, it is amazing how many ways our genes can mutate and cause all kinds of crazy things. It is kind of a miracle that any of us turn out okay!
This is a book that is unlike any other book I have read. It was totally science-y and since I haven't taken biology since high school, some of it was a bit over my head. But some judicious google time and I got it all figured out. It was really interesting though. For example, did you know red hair is the result of a mutation. So technically my sweet baby is a mutant! Although, according to the book we all are, it is just a matter of degree. I am pretty glad I didn't read this book when I was pregnant though, it is amazing how many ways our genes can mutate and cause all kinds of crazy things. It is kind of a miracle that any of us turn out okay!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
No. 56: SEALed With a Promise
SEALed With a Promise by Mary Margret Daughtridge
I bought this book at the recommendation of a stranger at the bookstore. I didn't really want to buy it because it looked terrible, but I took a chance. It was in fact terrible and I wish I would have gone with my instincts. First off, the name - stupid SEAL pun - boo! The FMC was super annoying, the MMC was domineering and kind of creepy (also he had a STUPID nickname). The author used the phrase "alpha male" like 17 times a page and it had all the lame SEAL stuff I hate. I have a deep and abiding love for the SEALs - so it takes a lot for me to think they are annoying. I saw today that there is a whole series of SEAL books by this author. I will not be reading them, which is really too bad because I love a series and I love SEALs.
I bought this book at the recommendation of a stranger at the bookstore. I didn't really want to buy it because it looked terrible, but I took a chance. It was in fact terrible and I wish I would have gone with my instincts. First off, the name - stupid SEAL pun - boo! The FMC was super annoying, the MMC was domineering and kind of creepy (also he had a STUPID nickname). The author used the phrase "alpha male" like 17 times a page and it had all the lame SEAL stuff I hate. I have a deep and abiding love for the SEALs - so it takes a lot for me to think they are annoying. I saw today that there is a whole series of SEAL books by this author. I will not be reading them, which is really too bad because I love a series and I love SEALs.
Monday, June 8, 2009
No. 55: Fearless Fourteen
Fearless Fourteen by Janet Evanovich
This is the last one in the series until the new book come out at the end of the month. I think I may have read this book semi recently because it wasn't as surprising as the others have been. I have book related short term memory loss - shortly after I read a book I forget all of the details. Which is good because then I can re-read my books a million times. Actually, I have everything related short term memory loss because I can't ever remember anything. Its kind of a pain really.
This is the last one in the series until the new book come out at the end of the month. I think I may have read this book semi recently because it wasn't as surprising as the others have been. I have book related short term memory loss - shortly after I read a book I forget all of the details. Which is good because then I can re-read my books a million times. Actually, I have everything related short term memory loss because I can't ever remember anything. Its kind of a pain really.
Friday, June 5, 2009
No. 54: Lean Mean Thirteen
Lean Mean Thirteen by Janet Evanovich
This was another great one - a mystery that involved her ex-husband (who she freaks out and tries to choke) and exploding animals (beaver, squirrel and woodchuck to be specific) that were so funny I laughed out loud, and a number of stun gunnings. And Ranger and Joe and Lula and everyone funny.
The next book in the series (15) comes out this month, right around my birthday as a matter of fact - hint hint - and I can't wait!!!
This was another great one - a mystery that involved her ex-husband (who she freaks out and tries to choke) and exploding animals (beaver, squirrel and woodchuck to be specific) that were so funny I laughed out loud, and a number of stun gunnings. And Ranger and Joe and Lula and everyone funny.
The next book in the series (15) comes out this month, right around my birthday as a matter of fact - hint hint - and I can't wait!!!
No. 53: Twelve Sharp
Twelve Sharp by Janet Evanovich
Number 12, this was especially Rangercentric which means it was especially great! Because as I have mentioned approximately 1 billion times, I love me some Ranger. Not to say I don't love Morelli too - I obviously have a special fondness for cops. But the Ranger/Morelli indecision is one of the best parts of this series, and I hope it doesn't get resolved anytime soon. So anyway, this is more of a mystery one and less bounty hunter which is fine and I think the direction things have been headed.
Number 12, this was especially Rangercentric which means it was especially great! Because as I have mentioned approximately 1 billion times, I love me some Ranger. Not to say I don't love Morelli too - I obviously have a special fondness for cops. But the Ranger/Morelli indecision is one of the best parts of this series, and I hope it doesn't get resolved anytime soon. So anyway, this is more of a mystery one and less bounty hunter which is fine and I think the direction things have been headed.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
No. 52: The Kissing Game
The Kissing Game by Suzanne Brockmann
This is a re-issue of an older book. It is definitely not as good as her newer stuff, particularly because there are no Navy SEALs in it :) But, it was also a lot better than some of her other old stuff. Kind of so so I guess.
I am getting ready to participate in the Infinite Summer with some people from work later this month. We shall see how that goes. Particularly since quite a few new books come out this month!!! I hope it is a summer of good reading!
This is a re-issue of an older book. It is definitely not as good as her newer stuff, particularly because there are no Navy SEALs in it :) But, it was also a lot better than some of her other old stuff. Kind of so so I guess.
I am getting ready to participate in the Infinite Summer with some people from work later this month. We shall see how that goes. Particularly since quite a few new books come out this month!!! I hope it is a summer of good reading!
Monday, June 1, 2009
No. 51: Seducing an Angel
Seducing an Angel by Mary Balogh
So this is the long awaited 4th book in this series - about the brother Stephen. And unfortunately, I liked it a lot less than I liked the previous three. I thought the FMC was kind of annoying. And since I really liked Stephen I wanted him to have an awesome FMC - but she was just kind of so so. And I was kind of tricked because I thought the axe-murderess thing would be awesome...but no. So it wasn't terrible, but not as good as I was expecting or that I am used to from this author.
Now I just have to wait and see if there is going to be a book for Con. And I have to think there will be. This author loves a family series as much as I do :)
So this is the long awaited 4th book in this series - about the brother Stephen. And unfortunately, I liked it a lot less than I liked the previous three. I thought the FMC was kind of annoying. And since I really liked Stephen I wanted him to have an awesome FMC - but she was just kind of so so. And I was kind of tricked because I thought the axe-murderess thing would be awesome...but no. So it wasn't terrible, but not as good as I was expecting or that I am used to from this author.
Now I just have to wait and see if there is going to be a book for Con. And I have to think there will be. This author loves a family series as much as I do :)
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