Dirty Sexy Kintting by Christine Ridgway
Another recommendation from a bookstore stranger and another book I didn't really like. So maybe this will teach me a lesson that you can't count on random people to give good book advice.
Anyway, this book had many problems for me (1) the name of the book is stupid, (2) the MMC was COMPLETELY unlikable! I mean I really didn't like him and I didn't want the relationship to succeed at all. He is a suicidal, alcoholic, depressed jerk. Seriously - does that sound like a good boyfriend? No, it does not. And yes, I understand that he suffered a terrible tragedy, but it just wasn't working for me. (2) The FMC was kind of wacky and I wasn't invested enough in her history to care about her motivations. Also, anyone that can fall in love with the MMC in this book is not worthy of my regard. (3) This book had another STUPID nickname - this time for the FMC - Froot Loop. Is fruit loop trademarked or something? You can't spell fruit the right way now? It was so aggrivating, not just the spelling but it is a terrible nickname with no justification provided in the story. And she hated the nickname. I do not find an alcoholic loser who persists in calling me a stupid nickname attractive. (4) the epiloge. I normally love to know what happens after the story. But this one was dumb and pointless - it ruined the only good semi-mystery left in the story and talked very very briefly about a number of characters with no names for no apparant reason which is always annoying. Like talking about an unnamed girl dressed as a ballerina - for no reason. Stupid. (5) the mystery - who the bad guy was - and the stupid "accidents" that were intended to create drama were all dumb. I didn't care enough about the bad guy to have any feelings. I half hoped he would shoot his hostages and that is never good. (6) The "Dad" was a jerk and that seems kind of pointless too, especially after all the emotional energy the characters put into the situation. (7) Marlys. Her name is bad, I don't know how to say it so whenever I read it I got out of the flow of reading to think about how annoying her name is. Also, she was a jerk! Again, I recognize her past was difficult, but I don't think it excuses her behavior and I don't think she deserved a happy ending. So there. (8) I did not like the sex scenes at all - really really bad and some kind of icky. And not in a good way :)
Clearly I feel very strongly about this book. It is too bad really, I thought it could be cute because of the whole knitting thing. But no.
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