Thursday, October 29, 2009

Catch Up and Kindle Review

I am SO FAR behind in posting!!! I got my kindle and I love it so much that I cannot do anything but read. I have read about 15 or so books since it came so there are many more posts coming. I thought I would do a quick Kindle review in case anyone is considering one.

If you are a reader, go to the store and get one immediately!!! Seriously, I love it. It is very easy to read, the screen looks like a page from a book, my eyes do not get tired like they do reading a computer screen. Some of the features that I like are the page turn buttons on both sides, and there is a little progress bar on the bottom of the screen. It is very lightweight and easy to hold while reading, even easier than a book!

But the best thing about it is how easy it is to get new books!!! This may also be a drawback as I have purchased about 20 books in 2 weeks which could get spendy (although less expensive than buying actual books I have found) If you are reading a series, as soon as you finish one you get online and buy the next and read it - and so on until you have read 2 series of books in 3 days :) It has also helped me discover a new author that I enjoy just from browsing the kindle store.

So, in sum, buy a kindle if you like to read. Or, have a wonderful husband buy you one as a present and then read so much that he later regrets it - which is what I did :)

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