Meredith Gentry Series 1 - 7 by Laurell Hamilton
I decided to write about this series as one post because all the books run together and I read most of them in a row so while I remember what happened in the series, I have no idea what happened in each individual book.
Speaking of individual books, this series has some of the WORST titles I have ever had the misfortune to come across:
1. A Kiss of Shadows (starts out okay - and this one was FREE!)
2. A Caress of Twilight (already going downhill)
3. Seduced by Moonlight (lame)
4. A Stroke of Midnight (getting kind of creepy now)
5. Mistral's Kiss (doesn't fit in with the rest - and they did more than kiss if you know what I mean)
6. A Lick of Frost (really creepy double meaning when there is a character named Frost)
7. Swallowing Darkness (extra super creepy double meaning when there is a character named Darkness)
She started to lose me by about book number 3 with the titles but SERIOUSLY!!! I would not be able to buy these books in the store (thank goodness I have Kindle or I would never know how the series turns out)
I am not even entirely sure why I keep reading the series anyway. I don't really like it at all. It is not my genre of romance - more fairy/fantasy with a good helping of erotica thrown in. I like to be able to read my books with out my delicate sensibilities being offended and I don't like blushing, even in the privacy of my own home. But, there is something about the story line that makes me want to find out how it ends. So I end up reading as fast as humanly possible over the more graphic parts. Which happens quite a bit unfortunately. Although in one book she went like 4 whole chapters without having sex with someone. Which was a record.
The plot involves a fairy princess (seriously) from the Unseelie court of the Fae. I don't really want to go into too much detail because it would take forever, but she needs to get knocked up to inherit her evil Aunt's throne (she is Queen of the Unseelie) and save all of Fae-kind. Anyway, she basically HAS to sleep with like a million guys until she gets pregnant. So she does, a lot. And a TON of other weird, creepy, disturbing and gross stuff happens. I really have to say I would not reccommed this series or any of the books in it to anyone. In fact, the whole time I was reading I kept thinking "why am I reading this?" but I am compelled to finish a series. No matter how unpleasant.
You might be wondering why I have not purchased and read the recently released 8th (and hopefully last) book in this series. Well, because I will never in a million years pay $13.00 for a Kindle book in this series. Forget about it. I will wait until it is cheaper or I will read it at the library or Barnes and Noble. So I will post about that one when I read it. For the record, it is called Divine Misdemeanors which does NOT fit in with her trend of terrible titles. What is up with this Hamilton person - where is the consistency?!?!?
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