Sunday, January 31, 2010

No. 17: Shopaholic and Sister

Shopaholic and Sister by Sophie Kinsella

My earlier enthusiasm for the Kinsella Quest is waning. I am sick of Becky Bloomwood and her non-stop lying and craziness. It was amusing at first, but she is completely unable to tell the truth until she is forced to - I think that is less an amusing personality quirk and more a personality disorder. But whatever.

In this book, Becky discovers that she has a long lost sister. Turns out that the sister is the complete opposite of Becky in every way. They obviously do not get along well and their clashing makes up the majority of the story. Although there is quite a bit about Becky's constant lies to her husband and her overall bumbling nature - but of course it all turns out for the best. Even though she doesn't deserve it.

Thankfully there is only one more book in this series and then my quest is complete. Shopaholic and Baby - I can only imagine the ridiculous amounts of unnecesary baby crap she will purchase, then hide purchasing and then later confess and beg for forgiveness. Or maybe not - who knows.

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