Friday, September 3, 2010

No. 90: The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games by Suzane Collins

The first time I read this book I thought it was so crazy and amazing I couldn't stop thinking about it. I desperately wanted to know what happened after. What I didn't know was that is was the first in a series, I could have saved myself a lot of speculation if I would have known that back then.

Then the second book came out, and I ordered it and was super excited about it but never read it. I am not sure why but I suspect it is because shortly after I got the book (the actual book) I got my kindle and then subsequently lost the actual book. And I didn't want to buy it on the kindle because I just bought that book (wherever it was) and it would be crazy to buy it twice.

And then a week or two ago I heard that the third and final book in the series was about to be released and I got all excited again. So I decided to read the first two books in time to read the third on the day it was released. And I did.

And this book was just as crazy and amazing and awesome as it was the first time I read it. Even though I knew the ending (and couldn't forget it like I usually do because it is unforgettable) I couldn't put the book down and was forced to hand my children over to the loving care of their great-grandparents for several hours so I could finish it.

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