Tuesday, January 10, 2012

No. 13: If I Had You

This is the first book that involves the children of Rhys and Gwen. Robin is the oldest of their children, luckily Rhys was able to adopt him and the other children at the end of Another Chance to Dream. I hate to go into detail about the parantage of the children knowing that it might ruin something for someone who has not read the books yet.

So, parents aside, Robin fell in love with Anne of Fenweck when they were very young, but he thought he could never have her. (Sound like anyone we know - Rhys?) He has been gone fighting on the continent for years trying to prove himself to be a great knight. When he comes home to Artane he discovers that Anne is now grown and as beautiful as she is good and he loves her even more. Of course, he doesn't act like it and he yells at her quite a bit and they fight and he is sort of mean - but it is because he LOVES her - and she is mean back and SUFFERING!

And there are many murder attempts and percieved despoiling of virgins and allegations of bastards, and allegations of being a bastard, and large nuns AND large viking twins and it is all very exciting!

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