Thursday, May 24, 2012

No. 58: The Girl Who Came Home

The Girl Who Came Home by Hazel Gaynor

One Titanic short story was not enough, so I had to get this book and read it too. And it was awesome!

First of all, the author's name is Hazel which is currently my favorite name. This is unrelated to the actuall story, but noteworthy I think. Or not, you be the judge.

Secondly, the story is a totally new twist on the usual, people embark on the Titanic, it sinks, etc story. The story is told partly in 1912 and partly in the present(ish) day. Back in 1912, a large group of people from a village in Ireland embark on the Titanic for America. The main character in this story line is Maggie, a young woman travelling with her Aunt and two best friends. She is leaving behind her boyfriend in Ireland and he has sent along with her a packet of letters for her to read on her trip, one for every date they had. So romantic.

Anyway, without giving much away (because the twists are THE BEST) the book is awesome and I read it insanely fast because I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen - spoiler alert, the Titanic sinks - and who survives. A really good read!

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