Saturday, July 11, 2009

No. 67: Black Hills

Black Hills by Nora Roberts

I have been sadly disappointed by the last couple new Nora Roberts books, but I enjoyed this one! I am glad because I was pretty worried! This book is set in South Dakota. Now, I have been to South Dakota and found it incredibly boring and not particularly beautiful, but if this book is to be believed, I was just in the wrong part. It is about a woman who is a biologist that specializes in big cats, especially cougars. And she has an animal refuge that has, among other things, a tiger named Boris and a cougar named Baby that she pets. Anyway, a crazy person starts killing people (of course) and wants to kill the FMC so there is some action. And the romance is pretty good, but not great. All in all a good book though, I am happy Nora Roberts is back on her game!

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