Monday, May 9, 2011

No. 34: Breaking the Rules

Breaking the Rules by Suzanne Brockmann

This is the newest Suzanne Brockmann book. I tried to buy it the day it was released at Barnes and Noble - to add to my Suzanne Brockmann book collection obviously - but the sales person there was convinced that it wouldn't come out until 2024. So I gave up and got it for the Kindle so I could read it that night. Because when I need to read a Suzanne Brockmann book, I need to read it immediately.

Anyway, tragically I didn't love this book. It was all kind of eh for me. Which is unfortunate considering the amazing awesomeness this author is capable. Like, she writes maybe 5 of my 10 favorite books. So, it was disappointing. But worth a read. An eh book from this author is a heck of a lot better than a good book from some others.

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