Friday, November 7, 2008

No. 135: Foul Play

Foul Play by Janet Evanovich

This is a re-issue of one of her old books, before she got famous. I thought it was really cute, and funny, like all of her books. And a very quick read. Although for some reason I got it in my head that this was a Thanksgiving book so I kept waiting for the Thanksgiving part to start up. But there was nothing. The only part I didn't like was the FMC's reaction to stress (I don't want to spoil it and say what she did) but it was stupid, and the MMC totally forgave her and got over it without even talking about it. That was kind of weird because I would be super pissed! But the dialoge was funny and realistic. I really like Janet Evanovich's heroines because they are never too perfect and annoying, they seem like real people - unusually clumsy and magnets for trouble, but real.

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