Wednesday, July 7, 2010

No. 60: Love in the Afternoon

Love in the Afternoon by Lisa Kleypas

This book was also due to a birthday present. Maybe getting old isn't such a bad thing. I tried out the ibook readeer this time on my iPad. It worked fine, it was kind of fun - for awhile - to do the page flipping rather than just pushing a button to change pages. It is not as easy to read as the kindle, the screen is lit and makes me kind of squinty after awhile. So It won't replace the kindle, but you can never have too many ways to read books!

Anyway, this book was excellent. The hero was tragically damaged by the time he spent as a soldier and suffers from PTSD, although of course they did not have that diagnosis back then. Anyway, it was good, in the series I have been reading which is always nice. And there was a pet hedgehog.

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