Monday, June 20, 2011

Nos. 38 - 41: Sophie Green Mystery Series

I, Spy? by Kate Johnson
Ugley Business
A is for Apple
Still Waters

This whole series started with a free kindle book - I, Spy?

Authors, if you want to hook me and get me to buy every book you have ever written, all you need to do is offer the first book in a series (you know, if it is good) for free on kindle and I guarantee I will spend all my money to buy the rest. Just ask Aaron. I can't even tell you how many times I have done it. A lot.

Anyway, this is kind of a mystery/action/crime/spy/romance in the same vein as the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovitch but set in ENGLAND! So it is awesome and full of slang I don't know and funny names for things and you can imagine that everyone has a cool accent. I love England. I want to marry Prince Harry and move there. I totally think I can pass Avery off as his illegitimate love child - she totally looks just like him.

Anyway, back to the books, the main character is Sophie Green who kind of accidentally becomes a spy and at the same time has a relationship with her super hot spy partner and murder and mystery and shenanigans ensue. And it is funny, which I think is a very high recommendation indeed. I love funny books that still have elements of romance and action. And there are four! So it is even better. Hopefully the series continues because I am way into it and I need more!

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