Wednesday, February 25, 2009

No. 16: Slightly Scandelous

Slightly Scandelous by Mary Balogh

This is the last in the Slightly series. I saved it for last because I though that it was my least favorite. Now that I have read it again, I realize that it is not my least favorite at all, but one of my most favorite! Maybe tied for 2d with Slightly Tempted. It is so good. I don't really like Frejya in the other books because you don't get a good insight into her character, but this book is chock full of insight and it is great. I also particularly like Josh (MMC) because he falls in love with Frejya even though she is not beautiful but because he likes her spirit and intelligence and character and finds her wildly attractive. Usually in romance novels the FMCs are very beautiful and the MMC is drawn to them because of their looks. Here is is a little different and it is a nice change. It is also particularly nice because Josh is supposed to be gorgeous :)

I have heard that Balogh is going to have a new series coming out this spring, I am very excited because I LOVE her new books. I think I am going to have to re-read the Simply series next.

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