Friday, April 23, 2010

No. 52: Lawless

 Lawless by Nora Roberts

I have no idea whether I have read this book before or not. But what I do know is that I liked it! A lot! It is the first of two reprinted novels in one book. But I am counting them as two separate books. Because I can.

This is a historical western (something I like!) and it had an excellent MMC who was loveable even though he thought he was bad for her. But she loved him anyways, because he wasn't bad. This book has so many things I liked - gunslingers, kidnapping, a puppy, a girl fight, a vindictive madam (who really deserved more than a butt kicking) and a lovable drunk. I wished it was longer, or a part of a series. I love older Nora Roberts books - it is why I continue to read her books even if they are not doing it for me anymore. I have hope!

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