Wednesday, July 16, 2008

No. 88: New Moon (2)

So I clearly didn't wait that long to re-read this one either - what am I thinking! It is going to be a long two weeks until Breaking Dawn comes out if I re-read the rest of the series so soon. Hopefully I can save #3 (Eclipse) for awhile. Although, if the last two weeks have proven anything, it is that I have no self control when it comes to books. Tragic.

Anyway, this book was still very good - there were several parts that I either wasn't paying attention to the first time (maybe because I was trying to feed/change/comfort a baby at the same time) or that I didn't understand. So re-reading is good! I am not a big nerd, I just like to fully understand and appreciate the books I read. And stalk them on the internet. But whatever.

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