Thursday, January 20, 2011

No. 4: The Lightning Theif

The Lightning Theif by Rick Riordan

After reading The Lost Hero and watching the Percy Jackson movie on HBO, I decided I might as well just re-read the Percy Jackson series.

I still liked it, I liked it much more than the movie - they changed so many things for the movie, it was almost an entirely different story than the book. Seriously, in the book Percy is in 6th grade - in the movie he looks at least 16 or 17. I mean it is almost unrecognizable, and they left out really good parts too. Seems like a weird way to go. But whatever, clearly I am not in charge of movies. Although I should be.

Anyway, I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series again. Too bad I have all this work stuff taking up my time!

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