Monday, January 24, 2011

No. 8: The Last Olympian

The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan

This is the last book in the Percy Jackson series, so clearly it has to be the most exciting - the whole fate of Olympus and the world as we know it rest on the outcome of the climactic battle between the half-bloods (and their allies) and Luke/Kronos and their evil associates. Or something like that.

This was a great book - totally action packed but it still had the friendship/relationship/family/personal stuff that is so interesting and makes the characters who are otherwise totally unrelatable at least somewhat relatable. I mean, obviously my Dad is not a God, but I still want him to be proud of me. Although I am shooting at more proud of me for being a nice person/good Mom/lawyer rather than proud of me for kicking butt and killing a dragon. But whatever - the underlying feeling is the same. Clarisse, I totally understand you now :)

Also, there is a little resolution in the Percy/Annabeth/Rachael love triangle. Also a little resolution in the whole Nico storyline which I for one am pleased about because I find him to be very interesting. I hope he shows up in the new series. Or maybe he needs his own spinoff. What does he do hanging out in the Underworld during the school year? I am curious!

Now there is nothing for me to do but to wait until the new book in the Heros of Olympus series comes out. I think in the fall. Wait and wait.

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