Monday, January 24, 2011

No. 7: Battle of the Labyrinth

Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan

Hah! Unlike the last book, I do remember some details about this book. Detail 1: It involved a labyrinth. Detail 2: It included battles. Detail 3: Percy Jackson made Mt. St. Helens erupt and it sent him to Calypso's island (at least I think it was Calypso - as an aside, after I read The Odyssey in 10th grade I thought Calypso was the coolest name ever and vowed to name my future daughter that. So, henceforth, I will be referring to Ella as Calypso. Sorry for any confusion.). Detail 4: It involved a labyrinth...wait, I already said that one.

Anyway, this very exciting book involving battles and a labyrinth is highly recommended.

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